Thursday 26 April 2012

Asia’s cleanest Village- Mawlynnong

We are never sure if this documentary can ever be presented in front of you all or not. But finally it is done with lots of hardship and masti.We, Sumi, Jharna, Newme, Adrija, Rajashree and me headed our journey to Shillong with an idea of shooting for the promo vedio on Shillong tourism which was their part of course excluding me. I and Sumi are the cunniest ,in the backdrop of our mind a plan played.Lets make the trip more adventurous by making a documentary.

 And in this way the idea came.But the idea began to fluctuate.Can this be made possible?This question haunted us till we are in the way to Mawlyynnong.We had a comfortable stay at Jharna’s auntys house. Her cousin Nipasha helped us a lot from pre production to post production.She searched the map of Shillong and made us aware that we cant shoot Cherrapunji and Mawlynnong at the same day because of its diverged route.The day finally came when we have to conquer our mission.Aunty served us breakfast and we 7 hired a sumo and went for the shoot.The picturesque beauty in the way to mawlynnong catched my fancy. I didn’t miss a single chance to click the photographs.The sumo driver was a bit unhappy with us as we are irritating him with a stop after every 5 to 10 minutes of our journey.We have a vague idea that we have to shoot anything and everything.Atleast we can select the best rushes from the rest.

Finally we reached Mawlynnong.And we are really attracted by its cleanlness and beauty.We met a batch of 1970 of IIT Madras,who has deliberately made a plan to visit the northeast india.We started our shoot in the village with them.The biggest hardle with us was to communicate with the natives.But that too was also solved when we got a small boy as guide, who could understand English atleast.By and by we proceeded and somehow tried to bring u "The Gods own Garden"..

Wednesday 25 April 2012

My Inspiration

Some1 Somewhere in the recent past.
Left a deep impression in my heart
I started to love her when i was too young
She was my mom's inspiration.
My papa's beloved

I too gradually became fan of her.
She is gorgeous, she is graceful.
She is innocent, She is beautiful
And i wanted to be with her always

But time passed, I was made separated from her
Saying you have too many works
Study should be the priority first
When i see her trapped in the magical box
A cool air blow over my hair
I wanted to be again with her.
She is none other than my ' dance'  4 ever.

Commfest 2012 has given me an opportunity to rejuvenate myself in a special way with my childhood's first love .Have a quick look on the five forms of classical dances of India with me and enjoy a joyous eye treat..

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Life And Times

“You are what you think!”
This simple but accurate statement indicates that what we say, what we do, and what we feel – all have their origin in the mind.The energy of the human mind is one of the greatest, but least understood energy resources of the universe. When we understand and harness this energy, we possess the keys to happiness and contentment as well as to improving our relationships and circumstances.
Positive thinking: Make Your Mind Your Best Friend
How you think about yourself and how you use your mind immediately affects your relationship both with yourselves and others. Trust, love, respect, understanding, and good communication characterize any good relationship. Are you your own good friend and companion?
Thoughts are like seeds. Loving and happy thoughts produce beautiful flowers and nourishing fruits; or thoughts can be spiteful and depressed, producing painful  ripples or poisonous weeds. We can master our life by producing those ‘fruits’ which are wholesome, attractive and nourishing, and which give us the most happiness and contentment.